Some entrepreneurs feel dizzy just thinking about whether or not to hire a company specialized in 360º consulting. And even more so when part of the team has also been trained internally. This feeling that outsourcing a consulting service for the evolution of the company is a failure for the organization is a false myth that we have set out to deny. Consulting C3‘s 360º consulting service is suitable for any sector, size and business activity.


In an increasingly competitive market, finding a market niche has become a highly complex challenge. The consumer and the way in which he consumes change, and not always the management of the organization or the internal professionals, immersed in the day to day, have the capacity and resources to investigate, adapt and implement the necessary actions to be able to compete in the new rules of the game.

60% of companies in Spain lack a strategy to attack the digital changes that the new market has imposed, especially after the impasse of the pandemic.

In this sense, the conservative business culture continues to prevail, with a misconception that betting on outsourcing consultancy will involve a high cost and not a medium- and long-term investment with high profitability.

The consultant, external and independent, sees the company from a holistic point of view: it lacks the ‘vices’ and internal inefficiencies generated by the day-to-day running of a company, the bad habits and the duplicities that are generated in many cases, especially when The company has several locations.

This distance is vital to identify which are the most efficient and beneficial solutions for the organization, aiming beyond the sales objectives and seeking the permanence of the business. The impact of the action of an external consultant is evident in sales, organization, customer service or communication itself.

Consulting C3 consultancies are based on four basic pillars: research, definition, innovation and adaptation. And all this from the particularity of each project, client and market. That is why it is so important to hire specialized services with a proven track record, with real results like those obtained by Consulting C3.


Consulting C3 has experience in each sector, and extensive specific training, which generate internal support dynamics to maximize the results of the projects addressed.

To do this, the assigned consultant or team performs a prior analysis and diagnosis of the market. Through this, unmet needs in said segment are identified, as well as the company’s positioning of the project in the sector, and the strengths and weaknesses of the competition. Of course, we work with projections of possible scenarios according to the situation of the target market or markets.

In parallel, a sketch is drawn of what the current service or product is and how to improve it -in all its aspects- so that it is what the target audience demands, or responds in advance to a need that has not yet been identified. This includes everything from the design of a winning product or service to how to manage the price strategy or identify how to optimize costs to be more competitive.

With all this information, Consulting C3 designs the strategy, the most appropriate action plans for each area and how to carry them out.

At Consulting C3 we are at your disposal to answer any questions or provide further information about our 360º consulting services.


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